ColMexTul News


¿Are the teachers... teachers or friends?

16 dic 2020


¿Are the teachers... teachers or friends?

Find out everything in ColMexTul gossip.

Most of the teachers at the institution look very rough, aggressive and boring, but deep down they have

a loyal, loyal and surprising friend who they offer us on our way to education.

The school wants us to go back to normal classes or they don't even miss us?

Most of the students we spoke to give us their opinion, which they want to return to the classrooms, but

the teachers who said, well in this case the students are not the only ones who want to return, but also,

they and who would say at the end if they want us and not only teach, but also talk to us and return to live with

us in one way or another.

Will they provide another education system?

Last week there was a survey on each student's blackboard which we were asked to carry out. But what

was the purpose of this survey? Well, with this survey I would provide information to the institution to

be able to make changes in different educational aspects. Little do we know what they will include or

remove in the next year or perhaps the next semester.

Has oído el nuevo chisme? | Tele 13

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